Friday, January 27, 2012

Attention San Antonians! How'd you feel about a Food Delivery Bus. that delivers hot fresh food to your house?

For a nominal fee, either $6.00 or 15% (whichever is less) of the total (plus tips) , food from one of 20 different local restaurants within our network could be delivered to your home or office with any purchase of $15.00 or more, OR from any restaurant in town for $10.00 or 20% (whichever is less). No more ordering a pizza, just because no one wants to cook! No more burgers or fried chicken because their all that's easily available. I can deliver between 10:00am and 9:00pm, 7 days a week. Of course delivery times will vary, but logistically, I should be able to deliver most meals in 45 minutes to 1 hour. Would you use such a service? How do you feel about the pricing? What have i forgotten to address? Any additional suggestions?Attention San Antonians! How'd you feel about a Food Delivery Bus. that delivers hot fresh food to your house?
I think you need to work on your pitch, and have easier pricing. That's really confusing.

Basically you're a delivery service, so you're outsourcing something businesses already do. That's actually not bad.

What you may want to consider is trying to get a fleet and the network of businesses, then get the businesses to charge on their bill for delivery, and you get that fee from them, not from the customer. Then your customer is the businesses, and you're offering the delivery service for them. No dealing with messy financials from hundreds or thousands of customers, no fiddling with change, you just deal with the restaurants in a certain radius.

This could actually be really good for businesses that cannot afford to hire their own driver, so they then aren't able to deliver, you could free them of that.

It's a brilliant idea, I just think that instead of appealing to the public, you should appeal to the businesses. Even if you start small, if you have a good area that has a number of small business restaurants you should do well. Plus they can pay the advertising, and you just get paid for delivery.

So just change your target customer, think of the businesses as your customers, not the public at large.Attention San Antonians! How'd you feel about a Food Delivery Bus. that delivers hot fresh food to your house?
That would be awesome!

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